About a month after his arrival in South Carolina the following advertisement was printed in the Charleston Gazette:

Silversmith gives Notice, that he makes and mends all
sorts of small work, designs and engraves Seals, Coats of
Arms, &c. in Gold, Silver, Copper or Pewter. He lives on
the Green by the Church in the House of Mrs. Hammerton.
He likewise sells a Balsamus Aromaticus good for the head
and tooth-ake and other Infirmities, also an excellent and
comfortable Balsam of Mace.

Published on March 5 and March 19, 1737.  

Comment Joop: 
This advertisement seems to indicate that John (Hans) Ulrich, the elder, at this date lived in Charleston.
The fact he also dealt in “medicine” can be understood from the fact that many Pietists, who studied in Halle, had some sort of training in this field. They seemed to take care of both spirit as well as the body.
Back to the life of Hans Ulrich