(27 x) family as in the Book of Record by Rev Giessendanner period 1737 - 1761 Orangeburgh, SC the family name may be used in all sorts of connections such as: witness, sponsor, father, mother, at the home of, etc., etc. |
of the originals in the Book of Record by Joop Giesendanner)
© Joop Giesendanner, the
mar = marriage;
bapt = baptism; bur = burial; comm = communion |
date = ddmmyy |
mar simon sanger x barbara strowmann mar henry strauman x catharina horger bapt hans henry straumann mar christian york x barbara heym mar johann jacob straumann x anna marg shaumloffel mar johannes in der abnet x margaretha nägely bapt maria elizabeth strauman bapt elizabeth giessendanner mar melchior ott x anna barbara zänger mar hans jacob strauman x ann m shaumloffel bapt johann jacob straumann bapt christian in abnet comm henry strauman and his wife mar david griffith x hannah middleton bapt catharina strowmann bur hans jacob strowmann bapt john felder communicants and wine for whitsuntide bapt catharina barbara whitman bapt john strowmann bur catharina mary whitman bapt jacob strowman bur margaret strowman bapt margaret hayner bapt anna margaret stroman bur barbara otte bapt mary elizabeth oth |
03.11.1737 01.04.1740 24.05.1741 18.05.1742 18.07.1742 30.11.1742 11.09.1743 14.04.1745 19.02.1747 18.07.1748 09.10.1748 01.04.1750 15.04.1750 11.06.1750 16.12.1750 07.03.1751 01.01.1752 03.06.1753 17.02.1754 28.07.1754 20.10.1754 30.11.1756 28.04.1757 18.06.1758 13.03.1759 23.03.1759 26.08.1759 |
Comment Joop:
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