Foto 68.jpg;
trust Dutch to take their bikes to do sight seeing
69.jpg; one of the many castles of the German Emperial family
92.jpg; letter from Halle (Francke) to Bolzius and Gronau in Ebenezer, GA
Our trip from
Holland to Halle in (East) Germany
From Halle we went to Marburg (300 km to the west) to do research in the
archives of this University, where more background on HUG's past was
Marburg is about where the D for Deutschland (Germany) stands on the map left.
Walking the footsteps of old Hans Ulrich Giessendanner was great fun and
brought some new developments into the research and with the help of you and
others will continue as time passes.
Gradually his story is discovered and will lead to more insight on his
life, the reasons for his behavior and leadership on and after the voyage to
SC. Lots of documents still need to be examined and/or translated.