Uli Giezendanner alias Uli Giessendanner, genannt
Grob, born circa 1530, 
Living in Lichtensteig, St Gallen, Switzerland, died circa 1595.
He was married to
Barbel Buelmann, coming from Lichtensteig, St Gallen,
From this marriage:
- 1 : Battli
alias Battli Giessendanner, Beatus
Giezendanner and Balthasar
Giezendanner, born circa 1560, died in the year
He was married to Salome Edelmann, coming from
- 2 : Seth
- 3 : Son
- 4 : Uli alias Uli Giessendanner,
born before 1580.
He was married to Thrina Blatter.