Book of Record, Orangeburg, SC

(transcript of the original by Joop Giesendanner)
© Joop Giesendanner, the Netherlands

(Anno 1737) top of the page
den 15. Nov: habe ich Joh: Ulrich Gießendanner mit meiner Jungfr:
Haushalterin die schon 26. Jahren unseres Haus gedienet u(nd) aus Liebe
mit mir über das Meer gezogen um vill Ärgenis u(nd) Streit Zu verhüten
in der Stille offentli. beij villen Zeugen von Her Major Motte mich copu
liren lassen. Jesus wolle uns und alle getreüe Ehe Leüth mit reiner Liebe
verbinden, uns reinigen und mit Ihm vereinligen. Amen.

(translation of the original by Joop Giesendanner) copy of A.S. Salley
(Anno 1737)
On 15. Nov. I Joh. Ulrich Giessendanner got married to my Miss
Housekeeper, who served our House for 26 Years and for Love
followed me over the Sea to prevent much Offence and Quarrel,
quietly (and) publicly with many witnesses by Mr Major Motte.
May Jesus unite us and all faithful married people with true Love, 
cleanse and unite us with himself. Amen.
(Hans Ulrich Giessendanner, the elder)
1737 Nov. 15 I John Ulrick Giessendanner got married-in the presence of many witnesses - to my house keeper who for 26 years served in our house & from affection and to escape family troubles followed me over the ocean - & to prevent & obviate any cause offence or scandel I married her, privately. Major
Motte read the marriage service. May Jesus unite us closely in love, as well as all faithful married people, and cleanse and unite us with himself. Amen
(Hans Ulrich Giessendanner, the elder)

Comment Joop: HUG, the elder married his housekeeper, but the record specifically says that the wedding was performed by Major Motte, which to my opinion is proof that HUG is still cautious and avoids any trouble with the English authorities.