(transcription of the original by Joop
© Joop Giesendanner, the
Anno 1741 (top of the page)
Donnstags den 19. Novembs
ist privatim nach ein
mahliger Abkündung von mir copulirt worden
24. Christian
Shwartz mit Elsbeth Fusterin
gebohrener Toblerin, Mr. Johannes Fusters
(Seli. Ged.) nachgelassenen Wittwen in Gegenwart
Kilian Abecklins, Johannes Fusters und übrigen
beijderseitigen Kindern
translation by Joop: | copy of A.S. Salley book, scan by Jim Rickenbacker |
Anno 1741 (top of the page) |
Tuesday 19, Novbr. married privat after once publishing Christ. Schwartz to Elizabeth Fusterin. widow, in presence of Kilian Abecklin, John Fuster and 2 children. Appears
in the list: maryed by me under nr 11: |
Comment Joop:
The maiden name of Elsbeth was Tobler and her late husband was Johannes Fuster; One of the witnesses to this marriage was her son from the first marriage Johannes Fuster, "und übrigen beijderseitigen Kindern" means "and all other remaining children on both sides", which would indicate that Christian Shwartz was a widower and he had children too; It seems like all English oriented names/months/statements are in blockletters
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