(transcription of the original by Joop Giesendanner)
© Joop Giesendanner, the Netherlands

Ano 174½ (top of the page) (1742)
30. Dinnstags den 25. curr: ist privatim copulirt worden Engl.(ish)
Peter Grieffous und Anna Otto bij Zeügen Peter Hugs
Jacob Kuhnen, etc




translation by Joop: copy of A.S. Salley book, scan by Jim Rickenbacker
until done, please

use translation paper

(30) Thursday 25, married privately, Peter Grieffous
to Anna Otto, witness Peter Hurger, & Jacob Kuhner.

Appears in the list: maryed by me under nr 38:
Peter Grieffous. 1742. May 25th. To Anna Hottow.

(Rev. Giessendanner)

Comment Joop: