(transcription of the original by Joop Giesendanner)
© Joop Giesendanner, the Netherlands


1746. Den 17. Augusty.
durch den Heili. Tauff in die Gemeine Gottes aufgenommen worden
Maria, Matthias und Maria Keller eheliches Kind beij Zeügen
Heinrich Reichmann Frau Anna Maria Märcklij u. Fr. Elisabeth Reich



translation by Joop: copy of A.S. Salley page 102, typed by Angie
1746 On 17. August
admitted by Holy Communion to the Congregation of God
Maria, lawful child of Matthias and Maria Keller, Witnesses
Heinrich Reichmann Mrs Anna Maria Märckly a(nd) Mrs Elisabeth Reich.
(Rev Giessendanner)
('32') Augt. 17 (1746)
Admitted to the holy Communion in the presence of the Congregation the following infants, Maria, lawful daughter of Mathias & Maria Keller, (Witness) Henry Reichmann & wife Mrs Anna Maria Markly & Mrs. Elizabeth Reich.
(Rev. Giessendanner)

Comment Joop: