Paris Musee National de la Renaissance -
Chateau d'Encouan
95440 Ecouan (Val d'Oise)
An imposing Renaissance chateau
housing an important collection of art
from the same period: tapestries,
furniture, art objects

Stained glass window is taken out of the depot ready to
be photographed by Joop Giesendanner for Giezendanner
Worldfiles with the wellwilling cooperation of the
conservator of the National Museum: Madame Julia Fritsch
24 September 1998
Best way to show the images that are in the
middle of the window (on the right)
Best way to show the colors can be seen below
course prudence had to be considered
so taking advantage of putting this window before the
real window was out of the question. All pictures were
made with artificial light, the real colors are just
beautiful and even more intens then in the left one
window in unusual big format shows as major picture
between two Säulenpaaren the outpooring of the Holy
Right up from this picture it is dated
Anno 16(8)1 at Whitsun
upper corner:
Emanuel Schlichter from Basel
Rev. Gods words in Wattweil
Susanna Gietzendannerin
his married wife