Transcript by Darlene Athey Hill - Descendant of Orangeburgh Snell/Schuler families with Joop's comment | Transcription of The South-Carolina Gazette of July 19, 1735 by Jim Rickenbacker with Joop's comment |
From the South
Carolina Gazette - Transcript
CHARLESTOWN, July 19, 1735 On Sunday last arrived here Capt. Hugh Percy in
9 weeks from Rotterdam and 6 from Cowes, with 250 Switzers on board, who
are come to settle a township on the King's Land in this Province upon
the Encouragement granted to other Foreigners. Amongst them are Ninety
fit to bear Arms, and it is not doubted but their feeling (=settling)
in this Province will much
contribute to its Strength , and by their industry
and laboriousness lend (=tend)
to its great Advantage; there being in some parts
of this Province very good Land for Wheat and Corn, they may probably
upon proper Encouragement furnish us in time with a good Quantity of that necessary and so
much wanting Commodity, which now we are obliged
to purchase at what rate soever from our neighbors. |
NUMB. 77 THE South-Carolina Gazette. Containing the frefheft Advices Foreign and Dometfick From Saturday July 12 to Saturday July 19, 1735 CHARLES-TOWNE, July 19. ON Sunday laft arrived here Capt. Hugh Percy in 9 weeks from Rotterdam and 6 from Cowes, with 250 Switzers on board, who are come to fettle a Township on the King's Land in this Province upon the Encouragement granted to other Foreigners. Amongst them are Ninety fit to bear Arms, and it is not doubted but their fettling in this Province will much contribute to its Strength, and by their Induftry and Laborioufnefs tend to its great Advantage; there being in fome parts of this Province very good Land for Wheat and Corn, they may probably upon proper Encouragement furnifh us in time with a good Quanity of that neceffary and fo much wanting Commodity, which now we are obliged to purchase at what rate foever from our neighbors. The Province of Pennfylvania, to which thefe feveral Years paft many thoufands (fome will fay above 70,000.) of perfecuted Palatines and Switzers have taken their refuge, is thereby brought in fuch a flourishing Condition, that between the 25th of March 1734, and the 25th of March 1735 from thence is exported Wheat, 195,028 bufhels, 1300 Tierces, Indian Corn, 10,464 Bufhels, Flour 37,231 Barrels, 1530 Half-barrels; Bread 3232 Tierces, 8474 Bar-rels, 693 Half-barrels and 681 Qu. Casks. On Thursday, His Honor the Lieutenant Governor being petitioned by thefe (thofe) Switzers, that they might be qualified, in order to enjoy the fame Privileges and Liberties as natural born Subjects of the King of England, called a Council, and directed Tho: Dale, Tho: Langboll (?), and Henry Gibbes Efqrs, three of his Majefty's Justices of the Peace, to administer to fo many of them as defired it the Oath of Allegiance and to let them fubfcribe (the) Tefs (Teft), according to a Law made for that purpofe, when accordingly in the Afternoon the fame were read to Seventy-fix of them then prefent, (fome being fick and abfent to the Number of Fourteen) in the German Tongue by an interpreter fworn to that purpofe, and having explained (=explain'd) to them the meaning of it, and they all being willing to take this Oath, the fame was again read in English by one of the aforesaid His Majefty's Justices, and interpreted by thofe Sentences, which they all repeated, and at the Conclusion fubfcribed to the aforefaid Oath and Teft. They are to fettle a Townfhip upon Edifto River, which is thought the beft Ground for Wheat, Corn, Hemp, Flax, as alfo for planting of Vineyards. The Ship St. Andrew, Capt. Peter Robinson, came out the Fame Time with Capt, Percy from Cowes, having on board about 200 Palatines, and is expected here every Day. |
From the South Carolina
Gazette - Transcript
EXTRA by Darlene Athey Hill | EXTRA by Jim Rickenbacker |
(Notice the
"Custom-House, Charlestown" right under this article lists the
ship Oliver, Robert Robinson from Cowes, as having arrived.)
are some interesting links. The first set show Hugh Percy as Capt. of
the Samuel as
early as 1731 and as late as 1739.
Philadelphia, Ship Samuel, Capt. Hugh Percy, 17 August 1731 Philadelphia, Ship Samuel, Capt. Hugh Percy, 11 August 1732 Philadelphia, Ship Samuel, Capt. Hugh Percy, 27 August 1739 The term "ship" implied a large three masted vessel. Bilanders, snows, etc. were smaller two masted vessels. A good discussion is found here in Nrs. 655, 656: |