Book of Record, Orangeburg, SC

(transcript of the original by Joop Giesendanner)
© Joop Giesendanner, the Netherlands

(Anno 1738) top of the page
Den 24. February habe copulirt Mr. Johannes Shaumlöffel mit
Anna Maria N. Weiland Nicolaus Diel Witib.

(translation of the original by Joop Giesendanner) copy of A.S. Salley
(Anno 1738) top of the page
On 24. February married Mr. Johannes Shaumlöffel to
Anna Maria N.  late Nicolaus Diel's widow
(Hans Ulrich Giessendanner, the elder)
(1738 married)
24 Feby John Shaumlöffel and Anna Maria widow of Nicholas Dirr.
(Hans Ulrich Giessendanner, the elder)

Comment Joop: Looks like the maiden name of Anna Maria is unknown to Hans Ulrich, the elder, her former husband is Diel NOT Dirr:
later research revealed her maiden name to be During, daughter of Peter During and Anna Sweitzeri; Weiland (also Wieland) means "the one who died"; Witib is old German for Witwe=widow.