(transcription of the original by Joop Giesendanner)
© Joop Giesendanner, the Netherlands

Ao: 1740
den 1. January als an dem neuen Jahrstag ist getauft worden
Margretha Kollerin, Mr. Benedict Kollers u. Fr: Magdalena Springin
Kind bij Zeügen Mr Jacob Pieren u. Fr: Regina Kühnin, gebohren Bersinger
u. Fr: Margretha Frydigin gebohren Bollerin gebohren den 14. Novembs 1739

den 13. January ist getauft worden ( rest beyond recognition)


translation by Joop: copy of A.S. Salley book

the 1st of January, on New Years Day, was baptized Margretha Koller, child of Mr. Benedict Koller and Mrs: Magdalena Spring
Sponsors Mr. Jacob Pieren and Mrs: Regina Kuhn, maiden name Bersinger and Mrs: Margretha Frydig maiden name Boller born the 14th of  November 1739 
the 13th of January was baptized  ( rest beyond recognition)

A.D. 1740.
(4) On the first day of January was baptized Margaret Kollerin -- child of Mr Benedict Koller & Mrs Regina Springen. Spons Mr. Jacob Thieren & Mrs Regina Krichen formerly Mrs. Brant Mrs Margretta Frydigin formerly Miss Bollerin -- was Born 14 Nov.

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