(transcript of the original by Joop Giesendanner)
© Joop Giesendanner, the Netherlands
Anno 1740 (top of the page)

5 February sind nach vieler geshehener Publication
Privatim gecopulirt worden
John Fairy und Anna Yssenhutin in Gegenwart
? Yssenhut ?

translation by Joop: copy of A.S. Salley book
Anno 1740 (top of the page)

February 5th after many ? announcement 
in private have been married 
John Fairy and Anna Yssenhut in the presence of
? Yssenhut ?

(7) (This entry is obliterated.)

Appears in the list: maryed by me under nr 10:
John Fairy 1743, Febr: 5th To Ann Yssenhut.......
(Rev. Giessendanner)

Comment Joop: