(transcription of the original by Joop Giesendanner)
© Joop Giesendanner, the Netherlands

Anno 1742 (top of the page)
Dinstags den 30. Wintermonath ist in den Stam
der Heili. Ehe eingesägnet Worden
Johannes in der Abnit mit Jgfr: Margaretha
Nägelij bij Zeügen Hans Danners, Simon Zängers
Heinrich Würtz, Heinrich Straumann, Isaac Ottos etc etc etc
(torn page here)


translation by Joop: copy of A.S. Salley book
until done, please

use translation paper

(34) Tuesday 30 Winter month (November) married
John Inabnet to Miss Margureetta Negly Witness-
Hans Danner, Simon Sanger--Wardz Henry Strow-
mann & Isaac Otto.

Appears in the list: maryed by me under nr 34:
Hans in Abnit 1742 Nov. 30th To Margaret Nägely.
(Rev. Giessendanner)

Comment Joop: