(transcription of the original by Joop Giesendanner)
© Joop Giesendanner, the Netherlands

Anno 1743
Sonntags den 19. Brachmonath ist durch Hei
Tauff in der Gemeine Gottes aufgenommen Worden
ein Kind genannt
Christian, Mr Heinrich Fausten und Seiner Eher Fr
Anna Maria, ehelich Kind beij Zeügen Joh: Julius Tapp
Christian Roth und Maria Christina Jan


translation by Joop: copy of A.S. Salley pg. 101: typed by Cathy
until done, please

use translation paper

('27') Sunday, The 19 Haymonth (July) is baptized in the Ch Bottes a child called Christian, lawful child, Mr. Henry Faussen & his wife Anna Maria (by witness) John Julius Tappier, Christian Roth & Maria Christianna his wife
(Rev. Giessendanner)

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