(transcription of the original by Joop Giesendanner)
© Joop Giesendanner, the Netherlands

Sonntags den 14. April 1745 ist durch Heili.
Tauff der Gemeine Gottes aufgenommen worden
Elisabeth, ehelich erzeüget und gebohren von mir Hs Ul
rich Giessendanner, und meiner Ehe Frauen, Barbara, ge
bohrener Hugin; Tauffzeügen sind: Johann Chevillette
Fr: Barbara Zängerin, gebohren Straumannin, u.. Fr: Marg
tha in Abnet, gebohren Nägelij. Das Kind ist gebohren an
Sonntag Morgen, ungefähr 1. Stund vor Tag am 27. tag Jenner
1744/5 im Zeichen des Widders

translation by Joop: copy of A.S. Salley: typed by Sissy
On Sunday 14. April 1745 is by holy baptism taken up in the congregation of God Elizabeth, legitimately begotten and born of me Hs Ulrich Giessendanner, and my wife, Barbara, formerly Hug; sponsors are: Johann Chevillette Mrs: Barbara Zänger, formerly Straumann, and. Fr: Margretha in Abnet, formerly Nägelij. The child is born on Sunday morning, approximately 1. hour before day on the 27th day of January 1744/5 in the sign of the Ram (29) Sunday 14 April 1745 is baptized in the Church Bottes --
Elizabeth, lawful child, Mr Henry Giessendanner, & his wife Barbara, maiden name Hurger.  Witness are Johann Chevillette, Mrs. Barbara Zangerin, maiden name Straumann & Mrs. Margareth Inabinet, maiden name Negely.  The child was born Sunday morning about one hour before day the 27 day of January 1744/5 in the syn of the Ram.
(Rev. Giessendanner)

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