In order to save time and space SCAN of the original only on
original 19

(transcription of the original by Joop Giesendanner)
© Joop Giesendanner, the Netherlands
1746/7 (upper record)
Den 1. February

Ditto: Margaretha, des Zu Eind verewichenen Septembs
abgestorbenen Ludwig Reichen und Seiner gewesenen Ehe Frauen
Elisabeth, ehelicher Tochter, beij Zeügen Jacob Giessendanner
Fr. Agnes Giessendanner, u. Fr: Margaretha Row

translation by Joop: copy of A.S. Salley
Ditto: Margaretha, the legitimate daughter of the, at the end of last September deceased, Ludwig Reich and his former wife Elisabeth, witnesses present Jacob Giessendanner Mrs. Agnes Giessendanner and Mrs. Margareth Row ("38") Do- Margaretha lawful daughter of Louis Reichen & his wife Elizabeth (Witness) Jacob Giessendanner & Mrs Agnes Giessendanner & Mrs Margaretha Row

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