In order to save time and space SCAN of the original only on

(transcription of the original by Joop Giesendanner)
© Joop Giesendanner, the Netherlands

1747. Dinnstags den 14. April in Heinrich Schnells Hause
Catharina Magdalena, Ada
m und Margaretha
Shnell eheliche Tochter beij Zeügen: Georg Gotz
Jacob Giessendanner, Jgfr: Magdalena Horger und
Fr: Catharina Wannenmacher -----------------

translation by Joop: copy of A.S. Salley page 104
1747 On Tuesday 14. April in Heinrich Schnell's House
Catharina Magdalena, legitimate Daughter of Adam and Margaretha Shnell Sponsors George Gotz
Jacob Giessendanner, Miss Magdalena Horger and
Mrs Catharina Wannenmacher ------------------
("49") Thursday 14 April Baptized in Henry Schnell house Catharina Magdalene, Adam & Margaretta Schnell lawful Child Spons George Kotgen & Jacob Giessendanner Miss Magdalene Horger and Mrs Catharina Wanamaker

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