Copy of the original
(Thanks to Edith in Switzerland)
by Joop Giesendanner
(as close to original as possible)
by Joop Giesendanner





Hans Wernhard Trachsler,
von Elgg, Züricher=Gebieths, so vor Jahren in Kayserl. und Königl. Frantzösischen Kriegs=Diensten gestanden, hatte die Begird Caro=linam zusehen, auch übernohmen,
dessnahen er den 9ten Herbstmonat Anno 1736.
zu Elgg, von Weib und Kinderen weg, und mit
85. Gulden bahrem Gelt nacher Holland allei=
nig abgereiset; da er dann in Rotterdam, (all=
wohin es von Basel weg eine Persohn über 12.
Jahr 8.  Gulden, von 4. bis 12. Jahr 4. Gulden
nur Schiff=Lohn, ohne Speiss und Tranck, item
der Centner Waar 6. Gulden Fracht kostet:)
vile auch dahin zu reisen gesinnete Persohnen





Hans Wernhard Trachsler,
of Elgg, Zurich Territory, who had been in the Imperial and Royal French Military Service for Years, had the wish to see Carolina, so he did carry it out too, on the 9th of September Anno 1736. from Elgg, away from his wife and children, and with 85 Guilders Money in cash he traveled to Holland alone; where he then found in Rotterdam, (to where from Basel it costs for a Person over 12 years of  age 8 Guilders, 4 till 12 years of age 4  Guilders, only Ship-Fare, no Food and no Drink, item the Hundredweight of Goods 6  Guilders on Freight:) many Persons who wish to travel there too


Joop Giesendanner: I've tried to find a way of translating in which the English text follows the original as close as possible. I'm sure that it is not the best English, but it will show you more of the style of writing in those days.